The ceremony was on one of the rare cold days at NAS Key West, and was standing room only as Steven gave a quick speech to everyone in attendence.

After his speech, his re-enlisting officer called "attention to orders" as his Officer in Charge says one of the most important things in the career of an enlisted person. "Discharged from the Navy" which returns him to being a civlian and free of the military life.

Steven breathes a big sigh of relief, but doesn't enjoy the civilian life quiet yet, as he swears in and recites the Oath of Enlistment. After he swears in, he stands proud as the re-enlisting officer officially signs his re-enlistment paperwork.

After the ceremony it is time for a quick photo of his shortlived civilian life.

Steven had several very close friends in attendence as well, and he wanted something to help him remember his time well spent in Key West, FL.

Congratulation Steven, only a few years left until your retirement!
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